Burke and Sandweg - two high-profile Obama lawyers - represent Nxivm in suspicious visa dealings (news)

submitted ago by steelgnat

Burke and Sandweg – two high-profile Obama lawyers – represent Nxivm in suspicious visa dealings

Let’s be clear about this:

A former United States Attorney, Dennis K. Burke, who resigned in a weapons trafficking scandal involving Mexican cartels, is now working for a Mexican political family frequently accused in the media of weapons trafficking with cartels.

Burke is also implicated by the government in a visa fraud scheme, together with his law partner, John Sandweg Esq. Sandweg was formerly a senior executive and Acting General Counsel for the government agencies in charge of foreign visas and immigration crimes: The Department of Homeland Security and ICE.

He is accused of attempting to invoke his old job title as a part of that visa fraud scheme – all done with apparent intent to get sham visas for Mexican nationals who are members of a Sex Cult accused of federal immigration crimes, and one of the beneficiaries of the scheme was the Vanguard’s baby mama.

Holy heck, you can’t make this stuff up.

You couldn’t write this script if you tried.

In the Nxivm case, real life is stranger than fiction.

So why isn’t this front page news across the USA?

Burke made national news when he resigned in Obama’s Fast and Furious scandal. For these new alleged deeds, he’ll probably be facing more than the oversight hearings he refused to attend in 2013.

The new allegations against Burke by the government are in the government’s memorandum of law, dated December 28, 2018, on page 5.
